1. The influence of the three elements of Radial Drilling Machine: In the process of workpiece cutting, the radial drilling machine generally wants to obtain shorter disposal time, long-lasting expectation and high-precision tool life. Therefore, it is very necessary to consider the material, hardness, shape of the workpiece and the function of the equipment, and the selection of suitable tools is a prerequisite for high-speed cutting.
2. The influence of the cutting speed of the radial drilling machine: the cutting speed has a great influence on the life of the tool. High cutting speed and rising cutting temperature will shorten tool life. Machining different work pieces, the cutting speed will also change accordingly.
For example:
(1) The cutting speed is increased by 20%, the tool durability is reduced by half, and the cutting speed is increased by 50%, the tool durability will be reduced to 20% of the original.
(2). The cutting is carried out at low speed, and the expected tool life is shortened.
3. The influence of the feed rate of the radial drilling machine: the feed rate is the key factor determining the quality of the outer surface to be processed. In addition, it affects the scale and cutting thickness of the machining cutting composition. In terms of impact on tool life, the reduction in supply will lead to a decrease in tool life. If the feed is large, the cutting temperature and flank wear will increase, but the impact of cutting speed and cutting speed on tool life will be small.
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